Flyers are a cost-effective marketing tool for many businesses. A bonus is also that because they are so affordable, they are an opportunity for some wonderfully creative designs.
According to experts in order to achieve the greatest returns and best results from a flyer, it is useful to share them in unique places.
Most businesses send a variety of mail each month. It can be effective and clever to include a flyer with every piece of mail that is sent. These flyers are likely to travel through many pairs of hands after a piece of mail is opened.
Flyers left on train or bus seats, empty tables in restaurants and cafes, or left with tips and bill payments can attract significant attention as well.
Flyers also often make excellent bookmarks. When fulfilling this role, they frequently get read and noticed, sometimes by numerous people. Some people have done this effectively by collaborating with owners of bookshops or librarians.
Laundromats and pay phone facilities can also be excellent and effective places to leave a few flyers.